Month: March 2006
New Version: XNmap 3.0
XNmap 3.0 Nat has been a busy boy, and released XNmap 3.0 with some significant changes from 2.2.x XNmap is a Universal Binary! XNmap is now multi-session – more than one scan at a time Configurable nmap location (the options are to point at /usr/local/bin/nmap – where nmap is placed after being compiled, /sw/bin/nmap –…
Banned from WoW for using a programmable keyboard
Banned from WoW for using a programmable keyboard This is perhaps the most negative aspect of Blizzard’s WoW. They can’t control the botters, gold farmers and end up going for the ordinary layman who has no recourse. WTG – Things like this make me not wish to renew my subscription, in fact I might not.…
Five reasons why you should never use PostgreSQL — ever (a retort to FUD)
Five reasons why you should never use PostgreSQL — ever Perhaps a nice way of explaining why PostgreSQL is not a poor choice using 5 of the most common reasons not to use it and rebutting them. M
Swiftfox – Firefox Optimised (Linux)
Swiftfox Swiftfox is an unofficial release/rebundle of firefox that contains optimisations for various CPU architectures which should help make your firefox experience and speedy one! M
Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone
Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone Rather interesting in light of the doom and gloom the bloody hippies are ranting and raving about. While I do not think we should just run about burning all the fossil fuels and destroying rain forests and habitats I don’t think we should blame all ills and climate changes…
Damn Interesting ? Shortness of Dark – aka – Im not lazy I’m looking after my health
Damn Interesting ? Shortness of Dark Its not laziness or unhealthiness – its being healthy. Sleep more 😀
Hatchback hate: Lamborghini chased – National –
Hatchback hate: Lamborghini chased – National – Silly little swift. Kinda feel sorry for the poor bugga in the Lamborghini though, I certainly understand his agitation at these little gits in their tarted up runabouts with big nasty stereo’s. It must not be a nice feeling to have someone want to ram you. (An…
Firefox: Mac PPC Optimized Builds
Firefox: Mac PPC Optimized Builds I am sure that I have posted about PPC Optimised Firefox builds here before (G4 and G5 optimisations over the more generic G3 you get out of the Box). I keep on misplacing the link to these files so here it is again! M
- : Code 2 – How lifestyle can affect genes : Code 2 And here I was thinking that Genes were relatively fixed from the moment of conception, it seems that the lifestyles of our parents and even the way we live our lives can play a big part in how our bodies develop and the types of genes we pass to our offspring.…
Google Mars – Holy waste of time Batman
Google Mars Google have released the latest in productivity destruction – Google Mars. Millions of businesses worldwide will cry out in pain as T1/E1’s light up in bandwidth chewing goodness that does what Google Earth does to imagry of our planet to mars! Sweet! 😀