Month: August 2006
Australian IT – Metal company mines CSC skill (Ben Woodhead, AUGUST 22, 2006)
Australian IT – Metal company mines CSC skill (Ben Woodhead, AUGUST 22, 2006) Not a good day for BHP/Bluescope/OneSteel shareholders. Personally if I were a customer I’d be finding an alternative supplier, but I may just be bitter, twisted and disinfranchised. Disclaimer – I have never worked for CSC
Crucial Mac Apps: College Edition
By a college student, for college students. A list of apps to help the school year get started off right. Most of these apps are quite handy for anyone who uses their mac, and includes some decent solutions for people looking to fill gaps post moving from Win32. Don’t let the college edition tag to…
5 free apps for any Mac user
A list of 5 free applications any level Mac user can, and should, use and why. Some nice applications that are really handy on any clean install of OS X. read more | digg story
5 HTML elements you probably never use (but perhaps should)
This is a collection of HTML elements I’ve found to be very under-represented in markup on the web today. read more | digg story
Penfolds – St Henri Shiraz-Cabernet – 1995
While a little past its prime, this was an extremely nice drop, and illustrates why it is that I like this label so much!
Cahors – Chateau Quattre – 1996
Like the last french wine, I have no idea of the variety. This one is not what I was expecting – for starters the cork was none to happy with life, but did not seem to impact the wine negatively, but a bigger surprise than that was the level of fruityness, and boldness – must…
les Granges des Papes – Cotes Du Rhone – 2003
This French jobbie is a subtle but very nice drop of Red. I highly reccommend it!
Hi-Res Colour Pictures from the 1930s and 40s
In the spirit of a previous digg’d post of London in 1949, here are some pics from the Library of Congress of America in the 30s and 40s. Gives you nostalgia about a period way before most (dare I say, ALL?) of us were born… I have to admit I find the past interesting and…
Two cancers in the animal kingdom may show that cancers can be transmitted
Two cancers – one found in dogs that dates as far back as 2500 years ago, and a newer (50 years) found in the Tasmanian Devil show that there may be some forms of cancer that are transmissible between hosts. The Tassie devil cancer is not a great parasite as it seems to kill its…
Simple Popup Images WordPress Plugin
The Simple Popup Images plugin allows you to add pop-up images to your WordPress blog. You put a thumbnail image in your post; if a user clicks on it, a larger version appears in a separate window. While I typically despise pop-ups of every sort, I prefer them for pictures, as it allows me to…