Month: June 2014

  • Eden Road (April 2014 Cellar Door Visit)

    A relatively new winery in the Canberra region. A fantastically presented cellar door. As the new kid on the block these guys have a simply massive range of wines available for testing. They’re massive range must give them scope to play around and determine what works best from a wine making perspective. As a punter…

  • Shaw Vineyard Estate (Apr 2014) Cellar Door Visit

    The Shaw Vineyard Estate cellar door is locate up the back of Murrumbateman near the top of a hill, it’s in a nice location, and the restaurant attached looks appealing. There are a decent range of wines available to taste and buy.   [ Key ]: B = Purchased S = Smelled T = Tasted…

  • Clonakilla (CD Tasting/Smelling Notes April 2014)

    Clonakilla: The cellar door was manned by the winemaker Tim Kirk on our visit. He’s a man who’s got a good product and he knows it. One of the best things at the cellar door was that all wines available for purchase were available for tasting, including their wonderful Shiraz Viognier. As per the history…