Category: Macintosh
pzizz? is a personal life coaching system, energy and stress, health and fitness, hypnosis, NLP, uk
pzizz? is a personal life coaching system, energy and stress, health and fitness, hypnosis, NLP, uk Pzizz is an interesting piece of software that you can use to help get you into a relaxed state for an energizing sleep or deep relaxing sleep. I am currently trialing it. (Available for both Windows and Mac OS…
The COMPLETE command line list for Linux, Windows, Oracle, and MacOS
Complete list of command line tools you would need. Check it out! — From the world of – a link to a very useful site detailing a list of command line tools/programs that you can use/call in Oracle, Windows2k/XP, Linux and Mac OS X. Handy for those obscure not often used commands! read more…
best guide to make Ubuntu look like Mac OS X
“This guide tries to be as spesific as possible, so that even newbies can follow it easily!” — I rather enjoy the look of OS X compared to the default Ubuntu look, not really having the time or motivation to come up with something myself, I am happy to use the hard work of others…
The little iTunes that couldn’t …
How can a digital catalouge expire? I placed an album in my shopping cart, waiting for a time when I could be bothered to make a purchase (Roxette – Don’t bore us get to the chorus, if you must know – there is no accounting for taste, especially not mine :P), anyways back to the…
Windows Vista Ultimate, Mac OS X 10.4.x, Ubuntu Dapper Drake (6.06)
It seems every man and his dog is running around the internet posting reviews of Windows Vista Ultimate, and a goodly proportion of these have made comparisons to either Linux or MacOS, now its my turn ;). Vista – I think I’ll start here as it is the most logical place to begin and is…
You are feeling sleepy… Fans want Pzizz because ‘According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep deprivation and its effect on work performance may be costing U.S. employers some $18 billion each year in lost productivity. Another study pushes this cost to over $100 billion.’ – link to full article We have another blogZot on our hands people! This…
nmap downloadable for XNmap 3.0 users
Just a short update to let people know that the ever useful XNmap 3.0 now has a packaged version of nmap (command line interface, that XNmap is a GUI wrapper for) available for download . Grab if it you need it
Who says size does not matter : Apple – MacBook Pro
Apple – MacBook Pro Apple have finally announced the MacBook Pro 17″ model – with Spec’s very similar to the 15″ and that lucious 17″ screen. $4600(AUD) is where it starts for this capable machine but I would make the following changes: Drop the ram to 1GB (2x512SIMMS) (subtract $155 – then purchase 2x Kingston…
GigaOM : ? 10MacApps
GigaOM : ? 10MacApps 10 Useful little Mac applications. I must download and use these at some point, well the other half that I do not yet have.
Pioneer Computers Australia – Products – Pioneer AMD Notebooks – DreamBook Power 17
Pioneer Computers Australia – Products – Pioneer AMD Notebooks – DreamBook Power 17″/19″ – DreamBook Power M59 I dub thee chunky. This is one rather big boned laptop, while impractical as a laptop, I consider it rather cool as a portable demo machine, games machine – something where you’d appreciate the 19″ screen and not…