Category: Info. Tech.
New Version: XNmap 3.0
XNmap 3.0 Nat has been a busy boy, and released XNmap 3.0 with some significant changes from 2.2.x XNmap is a Universal Binary! XNmap is now multi-session – more than one scan at a time Configurable nmap location (the options are to point at /usr/local/bin/nmap – where nmap is placed after being compiled, /sw/bin/nmap –…
Banned from WoW for using a programmable keyboard
Banned from WoW for using a programmable keyboard This is perhaps the most negative aspect of Blizzard’s WoW. They can’t control the botters, gold farmers and end up going for the ordinary layman who has no recourse. WTG – Things like this make me not wish to renew my subscription, in fact I might not.…
Swiftfox – Firefox Optimised (Linux)
Swiftfox Swiftfox is an unofficial release/rebundle of firefox that contains optimisations for various CPU architectures which should help make your firefox experience and speedy one! M
Firefox: Mac PPC Optimized Builds
Firefox: Mac PPC Optimized Builds I am sure that I have posted about PPC Optimised Firefox builds here before (G4 and G5 optimisations over the more generic G3 you get out of the Box). I keep on misplacing the link to these files so here it is again! M
Google Mars – Holy waste of time Batman
Google Mars Google have released the latest in productivity destruction – Google Mars. Millions of businesses worldwide will cry out in pain as T1/E1’s light up in bandwidth chewing goodness that does what Google Earth does to imagry of our planet to mars! Sweet! 😀
java sucks – An interesting article covering why java sucks
?java sucks It also makes an interesting assertation that presently Java is actually not that bad, when compared to other programming languages. M
Can’t download that video? Now you can.
Can’t download that video? Now you can. An interesting digg article that links to several sites and methods of grabbing that streaming video you just watched. M
plastk:net “Thats a chunky screen”
plastk:net Now I am no stranger to large screens, one of my mates uses an LCD projector to set up a car simulator game, but I dont think he has near the pixel pushing power shown here. Its almost too big to use individually. M
- ? archive ? how to install front row 1.2.1 and not destroy your mac ? archive ? how to install front row 1.2.1 and not destroy your mac How to get front row working without causing your machine to malfunction and bypass the unnecessary and artificial restricions imposed by apple on this product.
kill -HUP $pid and when to use it
kill -HUP $pid sends a SIGHUP to the process with the process id $pid. This is useful for telling programs that listen for a HUP to re-read their configuration files so that you can seamlessly implement changes transparent to end users. Not all programs will re-read their config files when they recieve a SIGHUP .…