Category: Info. Tech.
VServer can’t ping localhost
Currently having an issue with “openxchange” running inside a VServer – guest instance of Fedora Core 3. Issues were as follows: ldap and other services :- referring to localhost but it ( is unreachable – no loopback interface. Rather than working out WHY there was/is no loopback interface, I modified /etc/hosts so that was…
SyncML – OPEN-XCHANGE Wiki Current project is to get a decent calendering application. Open Xchange is a nice calendering app, but it does not quite place nicely with SyncML and Syn4j just yet. Will post most as work progesses. M
Gaim – A multi client multiplatform IM client
News – Gaim GAIM! Its great – it talks to all the major IM platforms (MS-Messenger, AOL/iChat, ICQ, Jabber) it runs on windows, linux and Mac OS X. Its great and I highly reccomend it. Just released is GAIM 1.3.1 which contains some bugfixes. M
Azureus : Java BitTorrent Client
Azureus : Java BitTorrent Client If you are like me and you have a hard time spelling Azureus and end up spelling it like azereues or azerous or azereus or any number of the other permutations that are out there, well hopefully the link above will help you find the best bittorrent/bit-torrent client out there.…
Whirlpool Forums – Thread: Being slashdotted + bandwidth usage.
Whirlpool Forums – Thread: Being slashdotted + bandwidth usage. I want to store this so I can easily find how to enable gzip sending of webpages when I get off my backside to enable it. In the mean time please leave my poor little 300MHz server in relative peace 😉 M