Category: Miscellaneous
How to pronounce mobile.
Its mo-bile not mo-bull. Bloody dodgy American pronunciation annoys me. As per from the channel9 msdn site. M
Its a big ad, a very big ad – CARLTON DRAUGHT BIG AD
CARLTON DRAUGHT BIG AD This massive ad was brought to us by C.U.B. it seems to rely on viral marketing which has become popular of late, but it is worth a look. Works in/on Mac OS, Win32 and supports multiple browsers 😀 M
Free Speech – The Expression of Reason – Family Entertainment group campaigns against anti-family cartoons.
Free Speech – The Expression of Reason – Family Entertainment group campaigns against anti-family cartoons. Interesting article about some parents group in the US trying to have anime banned, because its anti-family. Anime is NOT for kids, its a form of adult entertainment – banning it is not the answer – keeping it out of…
Monitoring traffic from the console
If you like me are forgetful and cannot remember the names of come commands a useful one is iptraf this command originated on one of th BSD’s (FreeBSD should my memory serve me correctly) and it will display the traffic wandering through your ethernet devices. It should be functional under most recent linux distro’s (was…
Inside the big switch: the iPod and the future of Apple Computer : Page 1
Inside the big switch: the iPod and the future of Apple Computer : Page 1 Ars has an interesting piece that seems to indicate a potential reason why apple would switch to intel inside. M
NEWS: London bombing (suspected terrorist attack)
*YAY* Another suspected terrorist attack. When will the violence stop already? Its stupid – some extremeist fool has decided to blow some civilians up which only causes other fools to act harshly to other innocents who follow an unperverted or at least less perverted religion of the same name with very differing tenents. Mad props…
A scratchy ticket to test and tempt you
It seems that the mob who what make money from scratchy tickets have released a new one – “Monopoly” based extended play scratchy. Woah I expect that they will make a fortune in unclaimed prizes ;). It has 12 rolls of the dice to get you round the board and see what you do and…
Australia Post – The cheapest way to post stuff
Well I had the misfortune of thinking that a package 67grams heavier than the maxium allowed by the 500gm sachel. I figured that it would be cheaper to post this package using a little tuff bag and posting it based on weight. A 500g pre paid satchel costs $4.10 A 3kg pre paid satchel costs…
April Winchell: Multimedia
April Winchell: Multimedia Some interesting stuff – check out the Paul Anka cover of Smells like teen spirit – its surreal. M
EBAY: Stuff that sucks about it
You know what really sucks about ebay – the fact that there is no way for you to pay your sellers fee’s using the eBay owned PayPal, how uselessly stupid is that? I’d say about 9 parts useless per 10. Grrr >< M