Category: Miscellaneous
Record companies just don’t get it, computer and software companies don’t care.
The Register is running a piece that indicates that Sony-BMG and EMI will begin rolling out copy protected Compact Discs (Music) to unsuspecting customers. *YAY* (not) What these companies need to understand is that people don’t really want to steal music – they want music to be accessible and easy to use – thus the…
Google Maps – Australia
Google Maps – Australia Google now has high resolution images for Australia availeable. They worked just before I posted this, but now seem to have disappeared. I could even see my house
Rules to backyard cricket an anthology
The ICC in conjunction with Cricket Australia have today released a standard code of conduct for Backyard Cricket. 1. GENERAL RULES 1a. Can’t Get Out First Ball: Curious rule introduced to give the token unco ******** a reprieve. Smart-ar5e batsmen use it to hone their reverse sweep; which becomes interesting when smart-arse bowlers use it…
An excellent pick me up drink
Take the following ingredients 1x Can red bull 1x Can V 1x Bottle (600Ml) diet coke Combine all ingredients, drink. Could go well with vodka or white rum too i’d say. M
How to ban someone on
/msg z ban #channel *!*user@*.netmask 2 100 Reason which means “Z will you please ban user@netmask in the channel i specified for 2 hours, with op level 100 for the reason blah” M Ops guide. Rough draft. The concept of IRC is that of a number of linked servers which people around the world can…
Review: Subway “Cookies”
Subway sell various cookies available for sale near you. This review pertains to the “cookies” (aka Biscuits for .AUians) sold at the O’Connell Street Subway in North Adelaide South Australia. The palate cleanser used between each cookie is Coca-Cola(tm) . #1 – Double Choc The double-choc is a chocolate biscuit base with while chocolate chips…
Update your windows install
Microsoft have recently released a swarth of updates into the wild. If you are not running XP SP1 – Begin or upgrade to SP2 – Yes its icky and has that stupid bloody limited number of simultaneous outbound connections that any hyperactive ferret like myself will find extremly irritating, but is supposedly more secure. Oh…
Emailcash – scam or serious
I have to admit that I thought this was a scam when I first heard of it and that it would be responsible for a deluge of spam, surprisingly after a year the yahoo account I set up specifically for it is not the target of spammers, in fact I get very little spam, and…
Douglas Adam’s Explains Australia
Australia is a very confusing place, taking up a large amount of the bottom half of the planet. It is recognisable from orbit because of many unusual features, including what at first looks like an enormous bite taken out of its southern edge; a wall of sheer cliffs which plunge deep into the girting sea.…
Welcome to the new B-U-G-G-A dot NET Website
Hello, Welcome to the new b-u-g-g-a dot NET website. We hope that you enjoy this new look site, and hope that it will be informative and useful to you! M