Category: Miscellaneous
The pace of technology
After penning this article I realised that it was nearly 10 years ago that I first discussed with fellow students the posibility and the rumors that Sun were investigating placing multiple chips into a single die, and that we now have this technology. It seems like there is some significant lag between things that are…
Damn Interesting ? Lake Peigneur: The Swirling Vortex of Doom
Damn Interesting ? Lake Peigneur: The Swirling Vortex of Doom Perhaps one of the most interesting things I have ever had the pleasure of reading on the internet. Kinda freaky too! M
Wired News: – France’s Decision to Force companies to interoperate
Wired News: Finally someone who gets it. This is about the future and the French parliment are looking after the people. It should not matter where or from what company I purchase some content, I should be able to play it on any device I own, both now and in the future. This is not…
Five reasons why you should never use PostgreSQL — ever (a retort to FUD)
Five reasons why you should never use PostgreSQL — ever Perhaps a nice way of explaining why PostgreSQL is not a poor choice using 5 of the most common reasons not to use it and rebutting them. M
Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone
Greenhouse theory smashed by biggest stone Rather interesting in light of the doom and gloom the bloody hippies are ranting and raving about. While I do not think we should just run about burning all the fossil fuels and destroying rain forests and habitats I don’t think we should blame all ills and climate changes…
Damn Interesting ? Shortness of Dark – aka – Im not lazy I’m looking after my health
Damn Interesting ? Shortness of Dark Its not laziness or unhealthiness – its being healthy. Sleep more 😀
- : Code 2 – How lifestyle can affect genes : Code 2 And here I was thinking that Genes were relatively fixed from the moment of conception, it seems that the lifestyles of our parents and even the way we live our lives can play a big part in how our bodies develop and the types of genes we pass to our offspring.…
java sucks – An interesting article covering why java sucks
?java sucks It also makes an interesting assertation that presently Java is actually not that bad, when compared to other programming languages. M
Australia ? So Where The Bloody Hell Are You?
Australia ? So Where The Bloody Hell Are You? Bugga me if this ad has not caused as much trouble as any I have seen, all over the little word bloody. If you want to see the ad click the link above, i think its rather entertaining and will get the type of tourist down…
Companies who SPAM you
I have a company to add to the list. after following their removal instructions and recieveing a you have been successfully removed email I have continued to recieve their promotional material via email. Therefore this company ( has been added to my personal list of companies who spam you because their removal system does…