Check out the (Note: 15 March 2014 – removing links to now defunct albums page) of a prototype from Holden of a “new” FJ. 6L Supercharged V8 with some seriously spiffy interior styling. I like the mix between old and new.
Check out the (Note: 15 March 2014 – removing links to now defunct albums page) of a prototype from Holden of a “new” FJ. 6L Supercharged V8 with some seriously spiffy interior styling. I like the mix between old and new.
There is something about the rain that just makes the purchase of the Audi some 12 months ago worth while.
While the weather may be crap for Spring (southern hemisphere here people) the rain does bring an added benefit, it shows off the delightful handling that the Quattro All wheel drive system brings, even if it is the haldex variety which is not as smooth as the torsen setup due to the somewhat jerky nature of the electrical engagement, the absolute grin inducing grip is just phenomonal.
Mad props to the crazy engineers at Audi who came up with the S3! 😀 RESPEC’!!
Well it is both sad and happy that I write that my mate Sean ( is off to the US of A to live and work at GOOGLE, DAMN! Congrats to him though, thats for sure!
Videora iPod Converter – iPod Video Converter
Need a method to convert various formats into a compatible version for the Video iPod? I am currently testing the above product. Looks like it works.
UPDATE: This has not been update/convert WMV to MP4. Nero Recode 2 however is able to convert it from WMV -> Nero Digital Format (MPEG4) which I believe will be iPod Video compatible. Need to get an iPod Video to play around with and sus it all out.
Setting up postfix was a little difficult as I am not familiar with the config file, but I got it going with the following options:
#delay_warning_time = 4h
mydomain = obvious
myhostname = obvious
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
myorigin = domainname_for_outgoing_mail
mydestination = domains_you_accept_mail_for
relayhost = if_you_need_to_relay_via_your_ISPs_mail_host:port
mynetworks = (aka, what you will relay for)
#mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
mailbox_size_limit = 0
recipient_delimiter = +
message_size_limit = 52428800
program_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix/
mydomain_fallback = obvious
I may have some superflous entries, as it took me a while to work out what a couple of errors meant but its working as at today!
I symlinked /etc/aliases to /etc/postfix/aliases and after editing the aliases file you must run newaliases
Setting up UW-IMAP took a little longer:
Step 1: Grab the source from the uni of washington.
Step 2: Modifiy $extracted_source_dir/src/osdep/unix/env_unix.c
by changing it to read static char *mailsubdir = "Library/Mail/IMAP_SERVER_STORE"; /* mail subdirec
Step 3: run make ; make install
to create the program files (note: development tools will need to be installed for this available from or on one of the CD’s that came with your Mac or OS X.
Step 4: Configure xinetd
grasshopper:~/imap-2004e/src/osdep/unix root# cat /etc/xinetd.d/imap
service imap
disable = no
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
groups = yes
server = /usr/local/libexec/imapd
only_from = localhost
log_on_success += DURATION USERID
log_on_failure += USERID
Step 5: Setup tcpwrapper’s to allow the hosts you will allow to connect by editing /etc/hosts.allow
Step 6: Restard xinet daemon sudo kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
Step 7: Test that it works by telneting to localhost 110
To upgrade all currently installed ports installed using darwinports on OS X the command you need to use is
port upgrade -a
I would run this after updating the ports tree / system itself, this is performed with
port -d selfupdate
If you want nicer looking fonts on ubuntu and have most of the repositories installed may I suggest that you run
sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
which will install the Microsoft Core fonts and make many things (like webpages) better than the defalt fonts installed.
Normally I am not a fan of beers from big multinationals such as Carlton United breweries, but in this case I intend to make an exception. (Note: 15 March 2014 – removing links to now defunct albums page) this beer claims to have less sugar than normal beer. This for me personally is probably a good thing, rapidly approaching the time in my life where things such as diabete’s become a risk factor and being overweight, I really need to consider reducing the amount of sugar that I consume. This does not however mean that consuming vast quantities of this product regularly are on the cards :P.
The beer itself is a light, crisp innoffensive relativly dry larger which is quite easy to consume on a hot day. There is no complexity or anything that grab’s you to say here I am, I am unique.
Ever had that domain that has no reverse DNS entry? Well you can at least get an idea about who owns it by visiting one of the NIC’s below to attempt to determine the owner of the netblock that IP is related to: – Asia Pacific NIC – Europe NIC – American NIC
I have to say while there are nay sayers out there who say that people should do the driving and these gadgets are bad, I personally would love it. Why? It means that I can use cruise and not get caught by speed camera’s and when the muppet in front of me is going slowly in my lane, the car will slow down, when traffic speeds up again, the cruise will kick back in to the pre-set legal safe from camera speeds and no risk of speedy speedy. Bring it on as standard trim, this technology rocks.