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  • If you have an iMate SP3i and you would like a custom ringtone, do the following:

    Find the desired ringtone (if it is not already a Windows Media Audio file convert it – you may need to use a converter such as e-softs audio converter) hook up your phone to your sync cable and choose explore from Activesync – copy the converted .WMA to the “\Storage\Application Data\Sounds” directory of the smart phone and use the Sounds option in the settings.

    The only negative aspect of this is that you will most likely lose the vibrate function.

    Update: Don’t put them in the “\Windows” folder as it appears that this will only last until the next reboot – the Windows Directory seems to clear any files added to it on boot.


  • Ballmer to bid for GOO61E licence plate? | The Register

    One would almost think that El Reg were trying to get Ballmer to swear about them or throw office furniture. Can’t really blame them, monkey boy has a few temper issues.


  • Selling Songs for a Song – Newsweek Technology – MSNBC.com

    This article seems to pander to the music companies. Why they can’t see that the music companies are greedy and state that amazes me. Hint (to the record companies) in a free market economy you don’t get to be the only one who profits from the stuff you peddle. (The farmer who grows the orange does not make most of the profit when it is sold in a supermarket nor should a record company).

    Stick a few record exec’s against the wall and have them shot. That might be beneficial to everyone.


  • Russian Brides ? – Photo Catalogue – Profile # 11629

    Congratulations to Alex on his first russian bride!Alex's first russian bride

  • Reading the current information available on the web that seem to indicate that Microsoft will soon be charging for Anti-Spyware and Anti-Virus software, all I can say is that I am beyond very dissapointed.

    SpyWare is a direct result of bugs in Microsoft Windows and the software shipped with it (Internet Explorer).

    This is not good enough and should get stomped on ASAP!


  • Having recently set up a laptop that had been dropped on its screen to use as a headless Linux server (Ubuntu 5.4 – Hoary Hedgehog) I discovered that its CPU was not running to its full potential – the cause was that the funky magic that makes the processor scale back to save power was active.

    This presented a problem, as am mainly using this machine as a mini compile farm as well as a compute node. (1500Mhz in the form of a Pentium-M is actually quite useful). The solution:
    Install cpudynd (actually I used apt-get install cpudyn) I then added -nice to its options to ensure that nice processes would be taken into account when deciding to throttle the speed up or down.

    Now the Centrino based system (Dell 600m) with its Penitum-M running Ubuntu Linux scales the processor frequency much better.

    (another viable solution would be to run cpufreq-selector -f $max_cpuspeed_in_khz where max_cpuspeed_in_khz is an integer that relates diecrectly to your system).


  • I have a work colleague who we shall call Jim for the sake of argument.

    The great thing about Jim is that he is like an evolving electronic pet. With the correct inputs or comments you can derive amusing results.

    For example imaging singing along with a song (annoying in itself to most people, but “Jim” is very patient and does not mind. Black Eyed Peas “Where is the Love” was a playing on the iPod, i sung (as it is obviously in the song) “what is the love, can i eat it and does it taste good?” this made poor “Jim” cry – I must be a master singer.

    So yes, “Jim” sitting there, tears in his eyes, laugher and coughing escaping from his congested lungs made me feel wonderful about the world. Its for this reason – personal amusement and well being that everyone needs a “Jim”.



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  • Download the Solaris Update Connection software from here install it and away you go.

    This Solaris updater is the easiest method to keep Solaris patched while you are starting out.

  • I added

    iprb "8086,1050"
    iprb "8086,1064"

    to /etc/driver_aliases

    and then

    touch /etc/dhcp.iprb0
    touch /etc/hostname.iprb0

    followed by

    shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

    And I was able to get the Intel 10/100 VE Network Interface (82652 EZ) functioning as it should under solaris. The driver is included with Solaris 10 for x86 but you need to do the above to get the driver working with this board.