Subway sell various cookies available for sale near you.

This review pertains to the “cookies” (aka Biscuits for .AUians) sold at the O’Connell Street Subway in North Adelaide South Australia. The palate cleanser used between each cookie is Coca-Cola(tm) .
#1 – Double Choc

The double-choc is a chocolate biscuit base with while chocolate chips inside. Todays example is cooked slightly too much as it has lost some of that lovely “dough” like texture. Flavour however is nice, if a little on the sweet side.
#2 – Anzac

An Australian favourite made by grandma’s everywhere! PERFECT softness. It is missing the rolled oat goodness – and a bit of the golden-syrup tang is missing, however it does not have the bi-carb of soda flavour sometimes associated with home made versions. Very nice!
#3 – M&M

What could be better than a normal choc-chip cookie? Well one with M&M’s shoved in it is a pretty damn good start. First bite – what a dissapointment – its dessicated beyond belief. They have overcooked the M&M bikkie :(.
#4 – Macadamia

A macadamia nut is an Australian native – a delicious marble sized nut surrounded by about a foot of extremely hard wood like protection. For this one they have used mining equipment to extract the nut from its impermiable casing and shoved it in a biscuit the result – an over cooked but exremely delicous biscuit reminiscant of some peanut thing grandma used to make.
#5 – Choc Chip

Your normal old boring choc-chip biscuit – overcooked but tasty none the less.
Well it does not matter what your taste preference is – you cant really go all that wrong at a subway!