Jim Beam – Small Batch.


Jim Beam small batch costs approx $50.00 across Australia, and I have only seen advertising for it over the last 18 months or so. The other day I decided to try this bourbon.

This bourbon is actually a bourbon mixed with the Port liqueur and is somewhat darker than normal jim beams. It is sold in unquiely shaped 700mL bottles which contain approx. 22 standard drinks (40% alcohol by volume) this bottle is sealed with a decent wax seal and numbered according to batch.

I have to be brutally honest and state that it is on par with black label in terms of quality. If I had to guess I would say that Jim Beam are taking their standard 5 year old white label and mixing it with port to achive this mix. It has some nice flavours to it, but the bourbon is not smooth enough and there are some of the harsher aromatics that come out. If they were using a better bourbon (and port) I believe that they would be on a hard and fast winner.

That said I cannot be sure on the above as I do not have a bottle of black to compare it to, but rest assured gentle reader that I will not leave this matter unresolved, and hopefully when it is, I will post back here with the results.

This is a decent “cheap” $50 bottle of spirits that makes a nice change from “the usual”.