Category: Miscellaneous
Unexpected Outage
Many humble apologies for unexpected outage experienced today. It seems that someone decided that it would be fun to plug as many electrical appliances into the same circuit as my router and server, rendering the whole thing completly uncontactable for about 8 hours (when I valiantly returned power to everything that required after being very…
Why SWAT needs monkeys
Dear Captain: I know we have spoken about this before, but I continue to maintain that the Mesa SWAT team needs a monkey. I have chosen to outline my arguments for you so you can fully understand the importance of adding a capuchin to the payroll: Monkeys are disarming. Criminals are often armed. Therefore, monkeys…
67 Things to do when you know you’re going to fail an Exam
67 Things to do when you know you’re going to fail an Exam 1. Get a copy of the exam, run out screaming “Andre, Andre, I’ve got the secret documents!!” 2. Talk the entire way through the exam. Read questions aloud, debate your answers with yourself out loud. If asked to stop, yell out, “I’m…
Apple Update their webstore.
Changes noticed as follows: No more normal iPods (grey scale) – Photo iPod’s reign supreme (photo dropped from name) $600 for 60G iPod Photo. iMac price cuts (yay) Things I noticed for the first time: Weird things that allow you to personalise and colourise your iPod Shuffle Things they didnt update: Powermac G5 macMini (boo…
SITE NEWS: Site was down :-O
Shocking as it may sound this site was down for about 5 hours today. I recently was migrated from a SLOW Telstra DSLAM onto an Internode DSLAM which while being faster – my modems settings were not happy with. After changing from PPPoA-VcMux to PPPoE-LLC as the encapsulation method I got much better stability and…
More proof that the American “justice” and legal system is stuffed.
Slashdot | Felony Charges For H.S. Hacking Slashdot | Felony Charges For H.S. Hacking I cannot believe how broken the American legal system – You have patents that smack innovation on the nose leading to a burocratic slow moving society where nothing can be accomplished. You now have minors being brought on on felony charges…
ADSL2+ ACTIVE – Internode
My ADSL2+ is now active : 2005-06-24 04:34:05 EST: 6115 / 850 Your download speed : 6262436 bps, or 6115 kbps. A 764.4 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 870827 bps, or 850 kbps. I’m about 3km from my exchange. Happiness 😀 I use internode for my ADSL services.
Places of Interest – Google Maps (Australiana)
Ayres Rock is here. I work here Iron Knob is almost in high res here Wudinna Township is here (mount wudinna is to the north east a little)
EBAY: Stuff Im selling – June05
I am selling a Minitar 802.11b wireless access point here and AthlonXP 1900+ w/ 512MB RAM, 6xWD 160GB HDD (JB), Antec 480W PSU here Have a look, bid and enjoy. Proceeds are going to either: fixing my Car (Sunroof or Speakers) or a quieter (and more powerful) server for this site. M