Category: Miscellaneous
MoSOS – 1 Week Later
Further to an earlier article posted on this site we have an update on the progress of the team MOSOS! So here they are : The ?MoSOS? team consists of: 18124 Jon “Scruffy” Walker (Capt) 18640 Malcolm “boofhead” McGrath 21161 Fred “hey baby” Johnson 21447 Nathan “what the” Reilly 25259 Darren “come closer” Hitchman 25319…
the third week of Movember
Further to the first two movember articles I wrote, this is my third. It is for charity – my ID is 18640, I am a member of the team MOSOS. Update #15 : Well this is the end of the the day 14 November – I really realy really need the sides to link up…
MOSOS in Movember
Further to a few earlier articles posted on this site I have posted a page dedicated to the team MOSOS! So here they are : The ?MoSOS? team consists of: 18124 Jon “Ned Flanderers” Walker (Capt) 18640 Malcolm “the mouth” McGrath 21161 Fred “put that away” Johnson 21447 Nathan “just one goat” Reilly 25259 Darren…
Movember (Part Deux)
Earlier I posted this article on my blog. Well this is where I am posting the second week of my movember saga, and the little piccies that go along with it. Please remember this is for charity and your donations will help! To donate please go to, enter my Rego number which is 18640…
Creative Guy ? Blog Archive ? Customizing your Mac OSX experience
Creative Guy ? Blog Archive ? Customizing your Mac OSX experience Express your creativity, or play with the visual style to your hearts content. This article is very helpful at pointing out what can be modified and how it can be achieved and some of the pros and cons with each method/option.
SatireWire | Australia Gets Drunk, Wakes Up in North Atlantic
SatireWire | Australia Gets Drunk, Wakes Up in North Atlantic Quite an amusing article. I think in some respects this sums up Australia :P, I would actually like to see something like this happen 😀
M is for Movember!
During Movember (the month formerly known as November) I?ll be growin a moustache. That?s right I?m bringing the Mo back because I?m passionate about changing the state of men?s health, and I thought it was worth a laugh (what could be better – good causes + laughs :D). Male health is a major issue, did…
Duck Fadar: – The Dark Side of Rubber Duckies??
Duck Fadar: “Luke, I am your bath toy.” – Gizmodo This is one rubber duckie that will play with you, before force choking you to cleanliness! Cool in its complete and utter geekiness! M
digg – Border between HEAVEN & HELL – Real Photography
digg – Border between HEAVEN & HELL – Real Photography Awesome piccie – nice contrast, I’d love to know the geological conditions or weather required to create the circumstances for this to occur.